Monday, December 7, 2009

And once again I'm back in Malaysia for a month's break.

The past one month was pretty rough on me. One-and-a-half-week's cramming for Business Finance and a management accounting subject, followed by a week's study for Corporate Law, and a bloody one and a half day's ultracram for Intermediate Fin Accounting. It drives in the point to me that consistent study is really important - if I hadn't done all my tutorial work for IFA throughout the semester, I would have screwed my exam up so badly because I wouldn't have understood a thing, thanks to Consolidation. Can't say I've not been warned...

Exams ended on Friday the 20th, and I spent the next few days relaxing with E until our parents' arrived in Melbourne (no more private time for us....). During the week I had to plan things down to the day as I had to move my belongings to the new apartment me and Kat rented, and also to collect stuff like the TV and washing machine. It was a bit hectic, but it all went okay, and by the time I left for Malaysia the apartment was all homey and wonderfully cosy. Now me and Kat just have to wait for her furniture to arrive (yay for sofas!!)

During the week I was feeling down and somewhat depressed over the state of my relationship that I picked a fight with E, that, thankfully, I managed to settle in less than 24 hours, with help from Kai.

I think that one important factor in relationships is having someone outside of the relationship to talk to about your relationship problems. I had Kai to confide into (even though it somewhat annoys E). Not any friend will do, however. In my opinion, they have to have these traits:

  • must be impartial and doesn't take sides - important so that when you tell him/her your problems they must be able to step back and see both sides of the problem. You're annoyed that he doesn't spend time with you - what if he really is busy?
  • someone who have experience
  • preferably someone who knows both of you, or is at least close to you
Of course, in order to make the relationship work, you need to be honest with your partner. If you have problems with him/her, say it! They might not realize what they're doing is upsetting you! I'm a hypocrite in saying this, as I once got depressed over something he did not do and I did not tell him that. Lately, however, I talked to E about certain stuff that had been bothering me for ages, and the result was that I realized that I've been worrying over nothing. I could've smacked myself for all those times I was feeling down when it could have easily been solved by talking to him!! (Take note that we're not an old couple - we've just been together for a few months).

Next post will also be about relationships - to my friends, please bear with me!! :P It's just such a waste to keep all this info to myself, so I am writing this here as a reminder to me and as knowledge to whoever stumbles into this blog. Until then...

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